I know what you’re thinking, “It’s nine days into the month and she’s just getting around to offering a prayer for the new year?” Well, I’ve been a bit busy. Moving, unpacking, visiting family and friends, holiday gatherings, unpacking more, preparing to travel again, re-packing, starting a blog, etc.
Lots going on here. This sabbatical thing is harder than it looks. Especially for people who are wired like me. Anyway, I hope this prayer breaths fresh life into you today.
God of wisdom we surrender this year to you. Before the foundations of the world, you knew us and called us by name. Every hair on our head is numbered and you promised to perfect those things that concern us. So, we pray that you grant us wisdom for whatever lies before us this year.
Wisdom to pursue meaning and purpose through our vocations and our life choices. So that the knowledge, understanding, and skills we’ve gained can be used to make this world a better place and to glorify you.
Wisdom to know when to ask questions and not to allow fear, pride and insecurities hinder us from receiving the clarifications we need.
Wisdom to know when our souls are parched and in need of refreshing. Help us to be attuned to the Holy Spirits beckoning and to our need to receive the daily bread and sustenance of your Word. Let us be people who continually hunger and thirst after righteousness.
Lord, may your wisdom guide our decision making processes. Give us discernment to recognize our capacity as well as our limitations. Give us the courage to say no when appropriate and set firm boundaries.
Bless the works of our hands O God. Where there are deficiencies be our all-sufficiency. Where there is lack, be our provider. Where there is despair, be our hope. Where there is fear, be the perfect love that casts out all fears.
Finally, grant us wisdom as we navigate the world around us. Teach us how to be light bearers in a world that is stumbling in the dark. Show us how to build bridges when the powers that be want to build walls.
Whatever this year holds, I ask that you comfort us with the blessed assurance that you are with us. Help us set our hearts on the unchanging, indisputable truth of your love for us. Give us glimpses of your Shalom. May it be realized in our homes, our schools, on our jobs, in our neighborhoods, in our nations, and in our world.
In the strong name of Jesus we pray. Amen.