“I can put you on medication, you can change your eating habits and adopt an exercise regiment; but ultimately it will be stress that kills you.” My doctor said these words to me last Spring. They were sobering. She mentioned health issues that have plagued my family for GENERATIONS! I was going down the same path, but at an accelerated rate because of stress. Stressful job + inability to say no + a conditioned “martyr” personality + circumstances that contributed to flimsy boundaries = CHANGE OF LIFESTYLE!
I needed to make some radical changes in order to be well. So, here I am on the cusp of a new year. I gave away half of my things, quit my job, packed up my life and drove across the country. All because I heard those two words. Two words I’ve heard before. Two words I’ve obeyed before. Two words that always set in motion a grand adventure. “Trust Me”, that is what my God said.
So, here I go again. Taking a leap of faith. Deciding to trust that the faithful God who has never let me down, never broken a promise and always exceeded my expectations — will do it again.
I’m taking a sabbatical year. A year “off” to write, rest, regroup, and travel. I hope to get lost in the wonder of God’s creation. I hope to discover hidden gems, eat new foods, converse with strangers, and make new friends. I hope to pursue the shalom of God (see my post on what is Shalom?). I hope you will join me on this grand adventure. Mostly, I hope you will embark on your own adventure that divinely connects you with people, nature, God, and yourself.